Tuesday, 4 November 2014

What do I want my photoshoot to look like?

These are photos I have taken from the internet to show what I would like my photos (when I take them) to look like.
 This is my first photograph, I like this as each of the boys has their own pose and they don't all look the same. The part I like least about this is the bottom part, I think that the stripes at too distracting and take most of the attention off of the band.
I really like this photograph as I love the way it is set out, I am definitely going to try and take a photograph similar to this one when I come to photographing the band, I am going to get the band to sit on the stairs in the corridor of the school as this is the only place with stairs that I can get them to sit.  
 I also really like this photograph as I feel it looks quite urban. I am going to take a photo similar to this one on the school field, I may use this on the cover of the magazine, not only because its eye-catching but because it has plenty of space around the photo to put advertisements and pugs.
 I love this photo as I am a huge fan of taking silhouettes. I am most definitely going to be taking photographs like this as I think they look really effective and will work well with most things. I think a picture such as one like this would also look good on a front cover and it is again not just very eye-catching but also has room for advertisements.

1 comment:

  1. Stairs in school are not the best! There is a set outside the meeting room at the Angel and there is an amazing spiral stair in the Buttercross that if you asked, they might let you use. It would give you some fantastic shots.
    Mrs B
