Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Photo shoot - selection and rejection 5

Although I like this picture of Jack I am not going to use it as the colours are too over exposed.
I think that if I had used a reflector to get the colour right, then this photo would have been perfect for my magazine cover as I think his facial expression, position and posture are all perfect.
Another reason why I won't use this photo is that as you zoom into it it gets quite blurry, so if I was going to use it on my cover then the quality would not be as good.

I am not going to use this photo of Patrick and Jack as it does not match my cover design. Another reason I would not use this photo is that the boys faces are way too over exposed since instead of focusing on their faces I have focused on their clothes.
Another reason for not choosing this photo is that I do not want my magazine to be bias towards a certain gender. so if I was to choose this then it would be bias towards boys rather than girls since there are no pictures of females.

Photo shoot - selection and rejection 4

Although I like this photo of Patrick I think that the lighting has not worked as well as it could.
One side of Patricks face is too over exposed, I should have noticed this when taking the photo and to stop this from happening I should have used a reflector. If i choose to use this photo i will have to make Patrick's face look even on both sides this would mean using the brush tool on photoshop.

I like this photo of Patrick as it is perfect for my cover due to it being the same as my design idea, I will take this photo of Patrick and the one of Molly which is the same, use half of each of their faces and
put them together to make one face, I will then make the final picture black and white.
One half of patrick's face is slightly over exposed so to make this more even I will change the colour using a brush on photoshop.

Photo shoot - selection and rejection 3

I really like this picture of Molly as I feel the lighting has come out really well.
I also think that her position looks good and the way she is looking right into the camera would intrigue the reader. To make this stand out more I could take away the flash in her eyes and then make the blue in her eyes stand out more using photoshop.
One disadvantage of this photo is that Molly's hat I think blends in too much with the black background, to overcome this I could try and make the hat look a little lighter again using photoshop.

I will not be using this photo of Molly as I do not think it would go well on a college magazine.
To make this picture work I should have made Molly look more towards the camera, as not enough of her face is showing.
I feel that the lighting on this photo is not as good as others as if you look at the colour of her arm and then the colour of her face, he arm is a lot darker, whereas they should both be more similar.

Photo shoot - rejection and selection 2

Although I like this picture of Molly I do not think I will use this as I do not think her facial expression would link with a college magazine, for example a photo like this but with a smile would work better.
Even though I will not use this I think that the lighting on this picture has come out really well, it all is even and her skin looks smooth.

I really like this picture I have taken of Molly as it is perfect for my magazine and is the same as my design, once I get a picture of my male model next to this it will be perfect for my magazine cover.
I feel that the lighting on this picture has gone really well and although as you zoom closer into the picture it has a slight blur there is not a massive difference so therefore I am very happy with this picture.

Photo shoot photos - Rejection and selection. 1

I really like this first picture I have taken as I think the lighting has come out really well, also I think her position and the umbrella in the background look good.
I may use this picture and put it back to back with male model as I think when both pictures are in black&white it will look really nice.

Although I really like this picture of Molly I cannot use it as it has a slight blur which means when I come to putting it on my cover, the quality will not be as good as it could be. I also can not use this picture as it does not match my design and if I tried to make it work it would not look right.

Updated Ideas.

I have decided now for my front cover that I will use a male and a female this is so that it does not come across as bias towards a certain gender.
I have decided also that instead of having a coloured background and picture it will all be in black&white except for the text and masthead. The text and mast head will be in red spiky boxes.
 For example,
One like this.
And the text inside this will be white.

I will use one of these boxes at the top of the cover for the mast head and two at the bottom, one for information on what will be inside the magazine and one for a contents page.

What have I learnt from the photo shoot?

From the photo shoot I learnt more ways to make a photo look better.
When taking a photo you have to make sure that the lighting is perfect, you must make sure that both sides of the face have light on them, if they do not then you must use a reflector, this reflects the light from the bulb onto the face lighting up the part of the face that you need.
A way in which to know if the lighting on the face is right is to look at the opposite side of he face and make sure that there is a small upside down triangle of light underneath they eye.

also from the photo shoot I learnt the names of different shot types for example;

Medium Close Up.

Extreme Close Up.

Close Up.

what have I found easy/hard so far?

So far in the course I have enjoyed everything. I have really enjoyed learning lots of new techniques for example keyboard short cuts, this is very useful as I can use this with any subject and/or at home.

So far, the hardest part of the course has been getting used to all of the new websites and software that we need to use, I am confident that I am getting better and I have almost got the hang of it.
The easiest part of the course I have found has been designing the cover for the magazine as I feel I am quite a creative person as I enjoy drawing, colouring and coming up with new ideas.  

Photo shoot plan.

Who will you use as a model? Think about the look you want.. do you want male, female or both? 

For my models I will use a boy and a girl, this way my magazine will not be bias towards certain gender. I would like to us half of a female face and half of a male face then put them together to create one face.

Where will you take the photograph? Location?

I have decided to take the photo with just a plain background, this is because I am going to make the photos black&white. I also want all the attention to be on the students face and eyes so I do not want the background to take that away.

What costume do you want your model to wear? Think about colour and representation.. 

I would like my model to look as natural as possible with an exception of makeup, therefore I do not think I will use any props.
I would like my model to be wearing a dark top as this will help to bring out the face and eyes more since they are lighter.

What about makeup? Jewellery? 

For my female model I would like her to maybe wear a necklace, I do not want her wearing too much jewellery as I don't want it to look like I have dressed her up too much, this emphasises my natural effect.

Do you need/want any props?

I do not want to use any props as I just want my model in the photo and do not want to take the attention off of their face.

Looking at more college magazines.

This is a very interesting magazine cover as there are lots of different things going on.
I like the way that the person who has created this has used a variety of people to make one person, this makes the cover look fun, interesting and would definitely catch any readers eye.
A disadvantage of having a magazine cover like this would be that it may come across as too busy. Since there are lots of different things happening on the cover it become messy very quickly and it reduces the amount of information you are able to put on the front.  This cover also makes the college come across as exciting.

I really like this magazine cover as the colours link to the theme and emphasise the mystery effect.
The expression on the boys face intrigues the reader and would definitely make me want to read/find out whats inside.
I also really like the layout of text as it is not all over the place (they haven't placed it anywhere they like) they have thought about where would look good and wouldn't take over the background picture.  

Looking at other college magazines.

This college magazine would be perfect for any sporty students.
I think that the colours used for this magazine are good as none of them stand out any more or less than other colours making the layout look even.
For my magazine i would not use a certain back ground such as a field, this is because i do not want my magazine to come across as bias towards a certain subject.
The people in the background show that the college is popular, this is a good way of advertising the college and may make other students consider going there instead of somewhere else.

Monday, 29 September 2014

Prezi Powerpoint - Magazine Design Ideas

This is a PowerPoint of all my ideas so far for my college magazine.
Magazine Design ideas

Masthead font type ideas.

Masthead Ideas and font types.


      1.     College Today

   2.   College Today

   3.   College Today

    4. College Today                                                     5. College Today

     6.  College Today

These are 6 font types I think would look best on a college magazine.
The font that was most popular was the fourth one, I think this was most popular as it looks the most formal. The second most popular font was the 3rd one I believe this it because although it also looks formal it looks fun.

Here Is A Wordle I Created To Help Me Think Of A Name For My Magazine

This is a wordle which I made to try and help me create a name for my magazine.
All the words in the wordle link to the sixth form. Creating this wordle helped me to come up with a name as it made me think more about what links to the college and would catch the readers eye.

Magazine Masthead Ideas.

These are my favourite 6 masthead ideas which I asked people to tick if they liked. The one masthead that people liked the most was 'All you need is in this sixth form magazine'
I think I will use this title as it is catchy and has a slight rhythm to it.
Magazine Name Ideas.


College Life II

College Views II

College Weekly

All You Need Is In This Sixth Form Magazine III

All You Need

Just What You Need II


Friday, 12 September 2014

Response to brief

I am looking forward to creating a magazine for our sixth form college. I am looking forward to letting out my creative side and experimenting with different styles, colours, fonts and pictures to put onto the front cover, I also have lots of ideas and cannot wait to share them. The part I am expecting to find most difficult is deciding what would look best and making sure that what I choose looks professional and that everyone who will read it is happy with the design, not just me.
I think that the brief is very clear and easy to follow, it gives me good idea of what I need to do.
I am also looking forward to seeing what my magazine will look like once finished. I am excited to find out what people will think of it, if they like what i have written (e.g if they find the information useful or interesting) and if they like that layout.
My magazine will be aimed at students aged 16-19 therefore the magazine will contain lots of information about future events and college work, it may also include an 'agony aunt' so students can send messages or write letters asking any question they want answering that they may not want to say to anyone face-to-face.

Prezi for AS media

Magazine Design Ideas

Monday, 8 September 2014


Preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, feature a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a DTP mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of the program.
Main task: the front page, contents and double page spread of a music magazine (if done as a group task, each member of the group to produce an individual edition of the magazine, following the same house style).